I have 24 years construction experience. 21 in the field and 3 as an instructor.
Certified professional inspector
Certified commercial inspector
Certified home energy auditor
Certified home energy inspector
Certified energy savings specialist
Certified indoor air quality inspector
Member of the International Association of Indoor Air Consultants
Certified HVAC inspector
Certified electrical inspector
Certified plumbing inspector
Certified kitchen inspector
Certified radon tester
Certified mold tester
Certified wood destroying organism inspector
Certified infrared inspector
Certified roof inspector
Certified chimney inspector
Certified moisture intrusion inspector
Certified exterior inspector
Certified deck inspector
Certified pool and spa inspector
Certified garage inspector
Certified portable fire extinguisher inspector
Certified crawlspace inspector
Certified lawn irrigation system inspector
Certified tree inspector
Certified drone pilot
Certified 11th month warranty inspector
Certified annual home maintenance inspector
Certified new construction inspector
Why Choose Us?
I am an Internachi Certified Professional Inspector. Internachi is the world’s largest trade organization of residential and commercial property inspectors. They are the inspection industry’s largest provider of education and training. I have completed 40 courses and gained many certifications. As construction and technology changes, so does the way we inspect. With all of Internachi’s inspector courses available to me, I will always continue my education and be a step ahead of my competitors.
I am an Internachi Certified Professional Inspector
Internachi is the world’s largest trade organization of residential and commercial property inspectors. They are the inspection industry’s largest provider of education and training.
I offer the "We'll Buy Your Home" guarantee
If we miss anything we'll buy your home back for full purchase price. Backed by Internachi
I am a member of the International Association of Certified Indoor Air Consultants
IAC2 is the certifying body of indoor air consultants specializing in mold inspection and testing, radon testing and mitigation, and other indoor air pollution issues.
I offer the "$25,000 Honor Guarantee", Backed by Internachi
Internachi is so certain of the integrity of their members that they back us up with a $25,000 Honor Guarantee.